Thursday, April 20, 2006

Peanut - Napolian - 9 mos later

Here's another answer to the question:

What it's like after 7 months...

News of Peanut (Napoleon)
Dear Ellen,

It has been awhile since I last updated you on Peanut (Napoleon). Since
tomorrow is his 9 month birthday I thought I would send you some new
pictures. He has grown soooo much!!!! He is no longer a peanut, but he
will always be my little Peanut. I can't believe it when I look at
pictures from just a few months ago.where did my kitten go?

He is so very handsome, his face is dark and he has lost his pure white
coat and gotten this beautiful shading. He is almost as big as his
brother Ramen, which by the way, everyone always thinks they are from
the same litter because they are inseparable.

He has just been the best gift ever!!! He is still very talkative and
still quite the devil but, such a love bug and so loyally devoted to me.
Such a momma's boy J

He has won over everyone's heart as we are not allowed to attend a
family function without Mr. P in tow. He has become quite the traveling

We just totally adore him!!!

That's P on the left.


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